Asian #Inspiration
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UDomain feature

Headquartered in the same city as .ASIA, UDomain offers services from simple domain registrations to Cybersecurity Solutions.

UDomain serves over 20,000 companies from local SME's to multinational corporations including the Hong Kong MTR, UNICEF, Tissot, and many more. We've recently connected with George Chan, Business Development Manager of UDomain, to chat about their plans for ''.

Full story at:

DotAsia Chair Remarks:
Many thanks to those who participated as candidates for our Board election. From this activity we were fortunate to get four new members and a former member, to contribute to the Board's role of governance and fiscal responsibility of the DotAsia Organisation. Many thanks too, to the staff for their support of the Election Committee who guided the operations of the Board elections ... read more >>
Instagram Marketing
Instacon.Asia - Instagram Marketing Asia Conference
Instagram Marketing Asia gathers the most dynamic Instagram marketing experts, consultants, technology vendors, digital marketers and social media managers from leading companies in Asia! Check them out at

Asian #InspirAsian Photo
Sandra Oh, who was born in Canada to parents who emigrated from South ...

Asian #InspirAsian
Asian #InspirAsian #RepresentAsian
The first woman of color and the first woman of Asian descent to earn BEST DIRECTOR at The Academy...

Asian #InspirAsian #RepresentAsian
DotAsiaShoutOuts - PopBox.Asia Website Screenshot
#DotAsiaShoutOuts - PopBox Asia offers integrated logistic services with their automated parcel PopBox locker that allows users to ...
No Internet Connection - post
The right to access the internet is a right to freedom and connection. It enables us to develop relations, express opinions and perform tasks online. But does everyone hold this #right? With the ...
APrIGF 2021 - Hybrid Kathmandu
APrIGF 2021 Hybrid - Kathmandu will be held on 27-30 September in a HYBRID format, combining physical attendance ...
Ajitora - Sustainably sourced cotton
Support Sustainably Sourced Cotton! Sustainable sourcing refers to how a cotton crop is grown and harvested. The practice of sustainable sourcing takes into account environmental, social, ...
Asian #InspirAsian Image - Sandra Oh

Sandra Oh, who was born in Canada to parents who emigrated from South Korea, expressed her gratitude to organisers and those in attendance for the "opportunity to stand together and feel each other"

Asian #InspirAsian #StopAsianHate
Chloe Zhao - First woman of color and first woman of Asian decsent to earn BEST DIRECTOR at The Academy Awards for the movie NOMADLAND

The first woman of color and the first woman of Asian descent to earn BEST DIRECTOR at The Academy Awards for the movie "NOMADLAND", which also took home BEST PICTURE. Congrats Chloé Zhao!

Asian #InspirAsian #RepresentAsian

Ajitora - Sustainably sourced cotton

Support Sustainably Sourced Cotton! Sustainable sourcing refers to how a cotton crop is grown and harvested. The practice of sustainable sourcing takes into account environmental, social, economic, and ethical factors to create a responsible product from seed to sale. Here are five ways to tell if cotton farms are growing and harvesting their crops in a sustainable manner:

They practice water conservation, produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions, increase soil preservation with "No-tillage" farming practices, do not use forced labor for planting or harvesting and provide transparency into supply chain!

Learn more

#SupportSustainability #SDG #JustGoForIt
No Internet Connection - post

The right to access the internet is a right to freedom and connection. It enables us to develop relations, express opinions and perform tasks online. But does everyone hold this #right? With the #Covid19 pandemic outbreak, education shifted to online platforms, which created enormous challenges for students in developing countries. The lack of reliable #access to the internet resulted in withdrawal and unfortunate incidents such as suicide among students.

Read more about young Indian students who were uncertain about their digital future and awaiting schools reopening.
DotAsiaShoutOuts - PopBox.Asia Website Screenshot

#DotAsiaShoutOuts - PopBox Asia offers integrated logistic services with their automated parcel PopBox locker that allows users to select their preferred locations to pick up their packages.

Asian #InspirAsian
APrIGF 2021 - Hybrid Kathmandu

APrIGF 2021 Hybrid - Kathmandu will be held on 27-30 September in a HYBRID format, combining physical attendance in Kathmandu, Nepal, and at various local hubs, as well as online participation. With Nepal as the official host, this provides a physical venue for people in the region to travel to Kathmandu and to other areas where local hubs are available, while others can also participate virtually. The overarching theme this year is "Towards an Inclusive, Sustainable and Trusted Internet". Visit for details and register now!
DotAsia Board Chair Remarks

Dear DotAsia Community

Many thanks to those who participated as candidates for our Board election. From this activity we were fortunate to get four new members and a former member, to contribute to the Board's role of governance and fiscal responsibility of the DotAsia Organisation. Many thanks too, to the staff for their support of the Election Committee who guided the operations of the Board elections.

I'd like to commend and acknowledge this team of friends of DotAsia - Kuo Wei Wu of Taiwan (.tw), Cheryl Langdon-Orr from Australia (.au) and Andrew Molivurae from Vanuatu (.vu) for their ongoing commitment and support through the whole election process.

We welcome our new members on the Board: Co-sponsor rep, Kashif Adeel who was nominated by former Board member, Tommy Matsumoto; and Sponsor reps - Ellen Strickland from InternetNZ, Andi Budimansyah from the Indonesian IT Federation; Santanu Acharya from NIXI; and Joel Disini, from DotPH. We would also like to thank Emani Lui from Niue and Ali AlMeshal for participating in an election and hope they will consider another attempt in later elections. But, welcome to our new Board members. Ellen and Santanu have already taken on roles as Chairs of two of our subcommittees - Community Projects and Finance respectively and have already demonstrated their leadership skills in these roles.

We look forward to two years of commitment to the vision and mission of the DotAsia Organisation by all our new Board members. .

Maureen Hilyard
Chair, DotAsia Board
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