Asian #Inspiration
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Edmon CHUNG appointment to the ICANN Board of Directors

"I'm truly grateful and very excited for this opportunity. I will work hard to contribute at the ICANN board, and listen to bring in views from the Internet community, especially from the Asia Pacific Internet community." - Edmon Chung

Asian #InspirAsian

DotAsia Chair Remarks:
It is with much pleasure that I announce that the first tranche of DotAsia Sponsor Community Projects (SCP) funds has been approved by the Board for the Korean IGF (kr-IGF). Their sponsor was the South Korean Internet and Security Agency (KISA), the umbrella organisation in charge of .kr. Congratulations to the Korean IGF team for their well-presented application and we wish them a successful event in August. The Board is also looking forward to other applications being made through the goodwill of other cctld managers who have ...


APrIGF 2021 schedule available
Photo - Andi Budimansya - DotAsia Board appointment
Asian #InspirAsian
Asian #InspirAsian - #DidYouKnow
#DidYouKnow According to, the region's market size for social media advertising was forecasted to reach almost 800M USD ...

Asian #InspirAsian
Photo - Santanu Acharya - DotAsia Board appointment
Asian #InspirAsian
Asia Pacific Youth IGF 2021 Virtual Camp banner
Asian #InspirAsian
DotAsiaShoutOuts - 2020 Summer Olympic Medal Count
Asian #CelebrAsian
Ajitora - Global Tiger Day 2021 Announcement
YOU GUESSED IT! MY FAVVVV DAY OF THE YEAR! We are now up to about 3900 tigers in the wild, up from an estimated 3200 in 2010 ...

Photo - Andi Budimansyah - DotAsia Board Apointment


Asian #InspirAsian
Asian #InspirAsian - 2020 Summer Olympic Asian Medal Count

Asian #CelebAsian

Ajitora - Global Tiger Day 2021 Announcement

YOU GUESSED IT! MY FAVVVV DAY OF THE YEAR! We are now up to about 3900 tigers in the wild, up from an estimated 3200 in 2010 when Global Tiger Day was first observed, obviously we are far from doubling it and we have only got one year to go from the targeted day but lets keep doing our part!

1. Conserve Natural Habitats:
Let us pledge not to cut down the forests for our needs. Let's help protect forests for saving the natural habitat of tigers.

2. Prefer Sanctuaries / Reservoirs to Zoo:
Wildlife Sanctuaries are bigger spaces and when amongst nature, tigers are much at home than being caged in a zoo. That's why we must encourage more sanctuaries and natural reservoirs to preserve biodiversity. Let us allow them live happily in their natural habitats and breed more and a number of them. Love and let the tiger live!

3. Control Climate Changes:
Lets us make our individual efforts to halt the climatic changes as much as possible as it would not be wise for us to make it from bad to worse. This sudden increase in heat is melting the ice, eventually raising the sea levels.

We can't ignore the fact that tigers are the largest species of the Cat Family and also one of the most iconic animals on the Earth. About a century ago, there may have been over 1 Lakh tigers that roam on the planet but now their numbers have been significantly reduced about 3900 only... That's why, there's a lot more work to do to preserve & improve the numbers of one of our planet's most iconic animal!!

Asia Pacific Youth IGF 2021 Virtual Camp banner

Asian #InspirAsian
Photo - Santanu Acharya - DotAsia Board Apointment

Asian #InspirAsian
DotAsia Community Message

#DidYouKnow According to, the region's market size for social media advertising was forecasted to reach almost 800 million U.S. dollars, a value of almost half of the total estimated online advertising market spend across the island.

Asian #InspirAsian
.Asia x TWNIC 台灣網路資訊中心
Photo - Maureen Hilyard, DotAsia Board Chair Remarks

Dear DotAsia Community,

It is with much pleasure that I announce that the first tranche of DotAsia Sponsor Community Projects (SCP) funds has been approved by the Board for the Korean IGF (kr-IGF). Their sponsor was the South Korean Internet and Security Agency (KISA), the umbrella organisation in charge of .kr. Congratulations to the Korean IGF team for their well-presented application and we wish them a successful event in August. The Board is also looking forward to other applications being made through the goodwill of other cctld managers who have accumulated sponsorship funds according to their number of registered .asia domains.

It is also pleasing to see some of our DotAsia sponsor (cctld) members participating in the joint APTLD80 and Pacific IGF conference which will take place on September 6-9. The event was to be held in the Fiji Islands, but due to covid it will be virtual. Several hubs from around the Pacific region are also participating but we would also appreciate the attendance of our wider DotAsia membership.

The Asia Pacific Regional IGF Multistakeholder Steering Group (MSG) is stepping up its preparations for the virtual APRIGF event which was originally to take place in Kathmandu, Nepal on September 27-30. DotAsia plays an important support role in this major event on our annual calendar and many of our DotAsia team are involved in the preparatory committees as well as in the actual programme itself. We look forward to our DotAsia community's engagement and support for this event.

As covid continues to create turmoil around the world, I hope that you are all keeping yourselves safe and healthy. Take care.

Maureen Hilyard
Chair, DotAsia Board
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