Asian #Inspiration
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Image collage: How I See It - Edmon Chung, CEO, DotAsia interview with Sapni G Krishna, NetMission Ambassador

Technology giants, or Big Tech as they are called, have become intertwined extensively with our everyday lives. Early in 2021, Facebook decided to take a step ahead in monetising Whatsapp. This was to be enabled by the changes in the terms outlined in its updated privacy policy. One fine day, users woke up to the notification for the proposed changes in its Privacy Policy. This paved the way to an international conversation about privacy, and also triggered widespread adoption of alternatives to Whatsapp such as Signal and Telegram.

In this episode, Edmon Chung, the CEO of DotAsia Organisation, and Sapni G Krishna, NetMission Ambassador — a law student from India who is passionate about regulation of the internet and emerging technologies — are going to explore the changing landscape of privacy in a technology mediated world.

Asian #InspirAsian

DotAsia Chair Remarks:
The Board was very pleased to hear about the successful event that took place in Korea in August which was the first project of the year that utilised our DotAsia Sponsor Community Projects Grant.

The event was sponsored by DotAsia member, Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA) which had accrued an allocation of funds which DotAsia has set aside for its member organisations and which relates to the number of .ASIA domain registrations and renewals they register each year. This is a thank you from DotAsia to its members for helping us to build the .ASIA domain space as well as to meet the community-focused goals of both the member organisation ...


apTLD LogoCall for Applications for an APTLD Sponsored Fellowship to APSIG 2021, The sixth edition of APSIG, APSIG 2021, will be convened as a face-to-face event in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on 13-15 December 2021. Visit to learn more
Image: Maria Ressa, Nobel Prize winner
"Let me quote one of the Cambridge Analytica whistleblowers. He said ...
VITA Cocktail drinks image
#AsianAmerican inspired Cocktail?
Asian #InspirAsian
DotAsia ShoutOuts - QUAD LOCK -
#DotAsiaShoutOuts - QUAD LOCK based in Australia offers smartphone mounts ...
APrIGF.Asia session replays available banner
#APrIGF2021 To watch playback of sessions that you've missed, subscribe ...
Shang-Chi - Movie Poster
A truly Asian American film from the ground up!
Asian #InspirAsian
Ajitora - Squid Game honeycomb challenge parady
It's not THAT difficult is it? ...

Image: Maria Ressa, Nobel Prize winner

"Let me quote one of the Cambridge Analytica whistleblowers. He said that colonialism didn't die. It just moved online... As we all move online, the reality is that the distribution of news, of vital information for every citizen in every country around the world that has moved to social media platforms... We must take back some of the power, we must have a seat at the table." - Maria Ressa

Asian #InspirAsian
Shang-Chi - Movie Poster

A truly Asian American film from the ground up!

Asian #InspirAsian

Ajitora - Squid Game honeycomb challenge parady

It's not THAT difficult is it?
VITA Cocktail drinks image

An #AsianAmerican inspired Cocktail?

Asian #InspirAsian

APrIGF.Asia session replays available banner

#APrIGF2021 To watch playback of sessions that you've missed, subscribe to our YouTube channel or check out our Facebook videos and continue discussions there in the comment section. All thanks to ISOC LIVE for supporting live broadcast!
DotAsia ShoutOuts - QUAD LOCK -

#DotAsiaShoutOuts - QUAD LOCK based in Australia offers smartphone mounts for Cycling, Driving, Running, Motorcycling, Photography and a range of Lifestyle options.

Asian #InspirAsian
Photo - Maureen Hilyard, DotAsia Board Chair Remarks

Dear DotAsia Community,

The Board was very pleased to hear about the successful event that took place in Korea in August which was the first project of the year that utilised our DotAsia Sponsor Community Projects Grant.

The event was sponsored by DotAsia member, Korea Internet and Security Agency (KISA) which had accrued an allocation of funds which DotAsia has set aside for its member organisations and which relates to the number of .ASIA domain registrations and renewals they register each year. This is a thank you from DotAsia to its members for helping us to build the .ASIA domain space as well as to meet the community-focused goals of both the member organisation and DotAsia.

We encourage our members to use their accumulated funds to support a project within their own community that encapsulates DotAsia's vision of support for socio-technological advancement initiatives and a successful Pan-Asia and Asia-Pacific Internet community.

We would like to congratulate KISA for their insightful support of the 10th South Korea Internet Governance Forum (KrIGF) which was held in Seoul and was organised by the Korean Internet Governance Alliance (KIGA). Each year KIGA which is a public and private sector coalition group, brings together a multi-stakeholder community of Internet-related businesses, technical community, youth groups, civil society, academics, governmental agencies - just about anyone who is an Internet user - to discuss issues of concern to today's society about the Internet and how it is used and managed. This year the KrIGF theme was "New Beginning: Equal, Fair and Participatory Governance" and twelve workshops were held under these three thematic sub-tracks. The organisers reported that even though it was virtual, it was well attended and a very productive and worthwhile event.

The Board is very grateful that our Sponsor Community Projects (SPC) grant provides an opportunity for the growth of understanding about Internet Governance issues among our Asian Community in this way. We look forward to other DotAsia members taking advantage of the funds that they have accumulated' to contribute to further and successful Internet development within our Pan-Asia and Asia-Pacific region.

The Board also hopes that you are all keeping safe and well during this pandemic ordeal. Take care.

Maureen Hilyard
Chair, DotAsia Board
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